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You are among the 30 million other Americans who have chosen to receive the best natural health care available this year, provided by the world's largest natural health care profession!

We here at Chiropractic Whole Health hope to answer your questions . . .

  • What is chiropractic?
    It is a scientific fact that the body can self-regulate and self-heal. The numerous functions that take place in the body are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves that control all organs and systems. If impairment occurs within the nervous system, the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, the tissues and organs in the body can malfunction. Chiropractic is the method of care that works with the body's self-healing, self-regulating tendencies. Using specific techniques, Drs. Smith and Bailey reduce the impact of joint immobility on the nervous system and encourage optimal function. We perform adjustment techniques to improve joint mobility. We may employ several different methods to accomplish this goal. The manual chiropractic adjustment places gentle force on the joint in the precise direction to "unlock" it. We may also employ Rehab Exercises, Therapeutic Modalities, Traction or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization in coordination with your treatment. Before your adjustment with Dr. Smith or Dr. Bailey, the technique we plan to use will be explained to you.
  • What is a chiropractic adjustment?
    The intent in a chiropractic adjustment is to improve joint mobility. We may do this with our hands or with the use of an instrument. Many chiropractic adjustments treat the joints of the spine, however, we may also treat various extremity joints throughout the body. Releasing tension and pressure in a joint resolves inflammation and has a pain-relieving effect. The methods we use are highly controlled and are rarely uncomfortable for the patient. Techniques are adapted to the patient’s unique needs. Often, a reduction in pain and increase in mobility can be felt immediately after the very first adjustment.
  • Can't I just adjust myself?
    Chiropractors use specific applied force in the direction dictated by the misaligned joint. Even if you can get your back or neck to "pop" or "crack," this does not mean that the movement that has occurred will be productive. In many cases, self-adjusting is actually counterproductive, increasing the instability in an already unstable part of the nervous system. Chiropractors receive a total of NINE YEARS of education and training to adjust the back, neck, and extremities! We may make it look easy, but that is because we have specific expertise in the proper treatment of the spine and other joints. Don't take a chance with your spinal health. Visit Chiropractic Whole Health for effective adjustments that will improve mechanical function and your general sense of well-being.
  • How long will I require chiropractic care?
    Every patient and situation is different. During your consultation at Chiropractic Whole Health, we will discuss an estimated period in which we expect to achieve optimal results in your case. After the initial injury or health concern has improved, many patients continue to receive chiropractic care as an assurance that the issues resolved stay that way, and that other problems are not beginning. The more active a person is or the more stress he or she is under, the more often they may want to receive chiropractic care.
  • Is there an ideal age to receive chiropractic care?
    Just like standard medical care, chiropractic health care is an effective solution for people of all ages. We have treated infants and children of all ages in addition to adults and seniors. In fact, more seniors are experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care today amidst growing concerns about the side effects and potential contraindications of multiple prescription drugs. Chiropractic care can support healthy alignment, mobility, and stability.
  • What does the adjustment do?
    We accomplish several things when we adjust a "locked" joint: The momentary stretching of the joint during the adjustment invites an influx of nourishing fluid to the area, which promotes optimal function Receptors in the spine are stimulated from the adjustment, which normalizes nerve signals Healing is promoted through an increase in blood flow to the area Stretching of the muscles around the joint relieves spasms and facilitates joint mobility
  • Are there side effects to the chiropractic adjustment?
    Depending on the type and severity of injury, there is a potential that you may feel slightly sore after your first few chiropractic adjustments. This is typically no more than you would feel after a strenuous workout. Soreness may be managed with brief periods of ice at home and it should subside within a day or so.
  • What is that popping sound?
    The sound that is made during the adjustment is actually made by popping nitrogen gas bubbles present in the area of the joint. The sound made by unlocking the joint is completely normal and may vary from one person to another.
  • Do I need a referral from my MD?
    Chiropractic Whole Health participates in numerous insurance plans. Most do not require a referral from your medical doctor. However, there may be other specific requirements either related to referral or deductible that will relate to chiropractic care. It is important that you speak with your insurance company prior to receiving care, but we are happy to assist you with any questions.
  • How often do I need treatment?
    Lasting relief from pain and rehabilitation to optimal health requires multiple adjustments. Chiropractic visits are an alternative to multiple doses of medication as well as multiple weeks or months of rehab from surgery. There are three stages of chiropractic care: Stage 1: Reduction of inflammation, pain, and muscle spasms occurs through in-office treatment and guidance on home care. Stage 2: Limitations to activities are reduced through the employment of numerous techniques. These may include ergonomics, diet, and specific exercise that will improve mechanical function. Stage 3: Similar to dental check-ups, spinal and joint check-ups are recommended a few times a year. A good maintenance program supports optimal health and decreases the risk of future injury.
  • What other treatments are there?
    At Chiropractic Whole Health, we offer numerous therapies to achieve optimal results for each patient. Where some may respond well to adjustments alone, we recognize when adjunct treatment may be necessary. This may involve specific muscle techniques such as myofascial release, cupping, and stretching. We may use acupoint stimulation, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and diathermy to enhance treatment or employ diagnostics such as MRI or blood chemistry. Our patients may also benefit from nutritional counseling, ergonomic or lifestyle changes, or a referral to a different specialist.
  • Are adjustments safe?
    Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy that has been safely used to treat numerous health concerns. Although a completely risk-free treatment does not exist, chiropractic care has only a slight risk of adverse effects. Properly performed adjustments are extremely safe and include only the care to which you have consented. Drs. Smith and Bailey have received many years of training and have adjusted thousands of individuals. We know what to adjust and, just as importantly, we know what we should NOT adjust.
  • Can you get adjustments after surgery? Pregnancy? Children? Elderly?
    Chiropractic has been proven a safe modality in all of these situations. We have treated children of all ages, Mothers-to-be, post-surgical patients and the elderly with wonderful results. Chiropractic training has taught us how to employ proper techniques for numerous scenarios, and how to identify specific risk factors, which allows us to provide the utmost care within each patient's comfort level. When necessary, we are happy to refer a patient to the appropriate specialist.
  • What's wrong with cracking my own back and neck?
    Many people experience temporary relief when they move their neck or back a certain way or have a friend do it for them. The problem with self-adjusting or having an untrained person "pop" your neck or back is a lack of specific intent. A trained, licensed chiropractor identifies the true source of tension or pain and applies force in the proper direction to mobilize the joint in question. A simple "pop" or "crack" does not accomplish what it may seem. In fact, it can cause greater instability of the spinal joints.
  • What if I only have muscle pain?
    Chiropractic physicians such as Drs. Smith and Bailey do more than "set joints." Their expertise in the neuromusculoskeletal system enables them to properly evaluate and care for the joints and muscles as well as the entire nervous system. For the body to function properly, various parts of the body must work in unison. We work with the body systems to create the harmony through which you can feel your best. Don't put off the evaluation and care you need. Trust the experts at Chiropractic Whole Health to answer your questions and set you on a path to recovery.
  • Why do I need treatment when my back doesn't hurt anymore?
    We are encouraged to see our dentist for checkups and cleanings, to have our car inspected on a regular basis, and to obtain a yearly physical from our medical doctor. In the same manner, the spinal check-up and "tune-up" can prevent small problems from growing into something painful. "Pain is usually the last symptom to show up, and the first to go away."
  • How often do I need a check-up?
    Although this will vary from person to person, once chiropractic care has restored normal alignment and motion to affected joints, it is beneficial to receive a check-up and adjustment every 6-8 weeks. During that short period, the spine is put through quite a lot.
  • What can I do at home to maximize chiropractic care?
    Between your visits with Dr. Smith or Dr. Bailey, you can protect your spine and your overall wellbeing with good posture and healthy sleep. We also encourage healthy eating habits and exercise that fits your physical needs. Daily home care and healthy routines are an essential part of disease prevention and the enhancement of life.
  • What if I don’t receive regular chiropractic care?
    Routine chiropractic care is designed to prevent problems. Symptoms of dysfunction or disease often do not occur for many years and are really the last sign of a problem. Often, people with conditions such as heart disease or cancer are surprised with their diagnosis and saddened to learn that a healthy lifestyle could have prevented their condition.
  • Why is chiropractic care important?
    The spine is an integral part of the body. It is from here that organs and cells know what to do to support health and mobility! The health of the spine affects not only flexibility and mobility but also breathing, organ function, body mechanics such as posture, and our overall quality of living. Back pain can be more than painful, it can be disabling. Chiropractic care is a small investment that provides you with an immense reward: your health!
  • Don't chiropractors make you keep coming back forever?
    We design treatment plans around the individual. After the initial course of treatment, which is aimed at reducing inflammation and pain and improving mechanical function, we recommend periodic check-ups and adjustments. The timing for checkups is about every 6-8 weeks. When this maintenance schedule is followed, patients notice they actually require less chiropractic care throughout the year because we are preventing problems rather than treating them. Remember . . . The absence of pain does not mean there is no problem. Chiropractic care is not about treating symptoms but about emphasizing wellness. Staying healthy and preventing injury minimizes the need for frequent visits. Our goal is to minimize discomfort and maximize function! "The Doctor of the Future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and, in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas A. Edison
  • What should I do after being adjusted?
    Use care when twisting or turning. Excessive or sudden movements can exacerbate an injury, especially in the neck. Do not "self-adjust." Also, avoid poking or rubbing areas that your doctor has treated. Take care not to overstretch or overreach. Avoid lifting objects overhead and bending your neck in an extreme fashion. Be cautious when shampooing and brushing your hair since the arms are above the head or the neck is tilted. Give yourself time every day to just sit and relax, mentally and physically. This special time is essential not only to restoration but to the maintenance of optimal health.
  • How should objects be lifted?
    Bend at the knees and hinge at the hips to pick up objects, keeping the spine straight. Do not stoop or bend at the lower back, as this places excessive strain on the lower back. Injuries often result from twisting with weight. To avoid strain, hold objects close to the body when moving them, turning the whole body rather than just the upper portion.
  • What is important to know when exercising with my injury?
    Choose activities that are simple and strengthening rather than those that may be jarring, placing stress on the spine and neck. Perform a 5-minute, low-impact warm up before performing strenuous exercise or before stretching.
  • How should I sit or lie with my injury?
    Stand tall. . THINK tall, and be mindful of your posture at all times. Sit in comfortable chairs that support your weight adequately. Sit straight! Avoid overstuffed and soft chairs that do not support posture. A recliner is acceptable if the back is maintained in a straight position when reclining. Cross legs at the ankles rather than the knees, as this is gentle on the back and does not impede proper circulation to the lower extremities. Avoid watching TV or reading while lying down, particularly in a position where your head is elevated at a sharp angle.
  • What is the proper sleeping posture?
    Sleep is essential to physical repair and recuperation, so get plenty. Try to sleep on a mattress that is firm enough for your frame. Too hard or too soft and the body is not properly supported. The softness of your mattress should allow the buttocks, shoulders, etc. to depress into the cushioning slightly. Choose a pillow that supports the head and the vertebrae of the neck in a position that is level with the rest of the spine. Avoid sleeping with a pillow that is too high or too low and do not lie on a sofa with your head resting on the arm. Ideally, you will sleep on your back or side with a slight bend in the knees. Stomach sleeping should be avoided. When moving, raise your head off your pillow. Keep the spine in a neutral position while you sleep by placing a pillow either between the knees, if you are sleeping on your side or beneath the knees if you are sleeping on your back. Reduce back strain when getting out of bed by turning onto your side first and then sliding legs off the side of the bed before pushing yourself up to a seated position.
  • When do I use heat or cold?
    Heat can be used for areas of stiffness or for aches as well as for old injuries. Areas that are warm to the touch or painful or have been recently injured can be treated with cold. Cold is also a good remedy for stabbing pain, burning, and sharp pains. As a general rule of thumb: Ice for the first 24-48 hours after an injury. Heat beyond that ,unless there has been a re-aggravation, in which case ice would again likely be best. However, whatever your body is telling you in regards to what is working or not, should override any generalities.


Doctors of chiropractic medicine receive five years of focused academic training, one of which is spent performing a supervised internship. This is after four years of undergraduate study, usually in a similar health-related field. Chiropractic education is comparable in total hours to the education medical doctors receive. Some key differences are a much more intense focus on orthopedics, neurology, rehab, and anatomy.

Testing: Chiropractors in Pennsylvania must pass four tests that make up the National Board Exam. These tests are taken over a three-year period. Pennsylvania also has a state law exam, which doctors of chiropractic must pass. To obtain a license to practice, two references must be provided.

History: Formal chiropractic care has existed since 1895. Millions of people of all ages have been helped through mechanical and health crises with this natural, gentle, effective care. Through a long and sometimes turbulent history, chiropractic has come to be accepted by the medical community, academics, government agencies, and insurance companies.

Research: Research in orthopedics, neurology, engineering, and anatomy supports the logic of chiropractic principles. This gentle form of care has been proven repeatedly in clinical studies to be safe and effective. In fact, chiropractic is the preferred therapy for most instances of low back pain. Furthermore, substantial evidence for the relevance of chiropractic care for numerous other conditions exists.

Medical Referrals: Chiropractors often work together with medical physicians to maximize multiple forms of therapy for their patients. We have developed excellent relationships with physicians in our area of Pennsylvania and receive referrals from various doctors on a regular basis. When collaborating with medical doctors, we remain in close contact, providing updates on patient care and the status of their condition. The harmonious relationship between medical doctors and chiropractic physicians means you receive the most effective care for your needs.

Active vs. Passive Care


At Chiropractic Whole Health, we believe in taking an active stance against joint immobility as opposed to a passive stance that acts after the fact. Passive Care works from the assumption that it is the doctor, not the patient, who is responsible for the maintenance of health. In this ideology, the patient makes no effort to improve health and longevity. Active Care is perfect for the patient who wants to participate in his or her health. Our treatment extends beyond chiropractic adjustments and involves nutrition, rehabilitation, common sense advice, and ergonomics, which all work in concert to help individual patients regain their health.

Be Active and take charge of your health!

Our philosophy of Active Care recognizes that . . .


  • The absence of pain does not mean there is no problem.

  • Chiropractic care is not about treating symptoms but about emphasizing wellness.

  • Staying healthy and preventing injury minimizes the need for frequent visits.

  • Our goal is to minimize discomfort and maximize function!


our mission is simple


This is a holistic practice, meaning that we focus on whole person wellness. Beyond Chiropractic Care, we offer a variety of Natural Health Care options.


Our core values are "Service, Integrity, and Optimal Health" and we strive to Honor God in all that we do.

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